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Special Occasions Calendar

Fancy celebrating or recognising any of these occasions with your team?

Please get in touch at our new team building company - Crafty Team Building.

Art By Vanessa is still available for private parties and items for sale.

22 - Chinese New Year

14 - Valentine's Day
17 - Random Acts of Kindness Day

3 - Employee Appreciation Day
4 - World Wildlife Day
18 - Global Recycling Day
19 - Mothering Sunday - UK
20 - International Day of Happiness
21 - International Colour Day
22 - First Day of Ramadan

Stress Awareness Month
7 - World Health Day
9 - Easter Sunday
14 - Vaisakhi
15 - World Art Day
19 - Mother's Day - US
21 - World Creativity/Innovation Day
23 - World Book Day - US
25 - World Penguin Day ☺️
26 - Admin Appreciation Day

4 - Star Wars Day
6 - Coronation of King Charles III
7 - Hedgehog Awareness Week
7 - World Laughter Day

15-21 - Mental Health Awareness and Wellbeing Week
30 - National Creativity Day (US)

12-18 - Men's Health Week
18 - Father's Day
21 - Summer Solstice

18/19 - Islamic New Year
30 - International Friendship Day

9 - International Co-Working Day
15 - National Relaxation Day

22 - Autumn Equinox

1 - International Coffee Day
16-22 - Recycling Week (UK)
31 - Halloween

13 - World Kindness Day
23 - Thanksgiving

7 - Hannukah
9 - Christmas card day
25 - Christmas day
26 - Kwanzaa

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